Photo from

Photo from

After the wild and wanton Halloween parties, we now have a long weekend to look forward to!  For those who won’t be on the road (wishing a safe voyage for all travelers), and for those who wish to try out a craft relevant to the more solemn note of the season, why not try your hand at candlemaking?  We’ve found a compilation of 25 different candlemaking techniques on!  You can use whatever materials are around you (old wax candles, old crayons, string, even ice cubes, old cans and shells) to make handmade and heart-made candlelight offerings to the loved ones we wish to remember.  Check out the compilation of tutorials here.

A good number of the team’s fallen under the weather lately, so we’re all recovering from mosquito-borne illnesses.  It’s always good to keep your immune system up, so in this hectic season, try to eat good food and enough rest.  Kind of hard for crafters and makers who burn the midnight oil with inspired making and crafting, but do keep in mind that enough sleep keeps us in optimal shape, so we can avoid being down by sickness, and we can make more stuff!  And of course, it wouldn’t hurt to wear insect repellent and do regular fumigations.  Stay healthy, everyone!

We’ll also be at various venues this holiday season!  Check out our list below:

  • November 9-10: PrintLab at 10A Alabama–we’ll be setting shop for print-all-you-can fun during the Arts & Crafts Fair!  More announcements on this!
  • November 14-17: Pocket Party–a sale of happy miniature things (the Bloom Arts Festival will be on the 15th!)
  • November 23-24: Workshops at the Zonta Bazaar at the Filinvest Tent, Alabang
  • November 29-December 1: St. James the Great Bazaar, Cuenca Community Center, Ayala Alabang
  • December 7-8: Maker’s Market–an arts and crafts fair during the Zonta Club’s Christmas Carnivale Bazaar at the Cuenca Community Center, Ayala Alabang

For those of you who’ve read all the way to this part, we’ve got a little announcement here too.  We need interns!  If you have a keen interest in materials and making, and possess research and writing skillz, we’d love to have you come learn with us!  Just email your CV why you’re interested in an internship post to us at craftpowers[at]

See you guys around!