lala de leon for profile Lala de Leon and her brand of bath and body products wafted into our workshop by way of a creative whiff sent out to the Universe of wanting to know more about soap and fragrances.  Working in the advertising industry by day, she used bath and body crafting as an outlet for personal creativity and fulfilment.  She later turned this hobby into a business, while still working up to getting a certification in Clinical Aromatherapy (the future smells lovely).  Lala will be giving a series of scent and soapmaking workshops, the first of which is Basic Melt and Pour Soapmaking, followed by Perfume Making.  Make sure you’re around the workshop this weekend to get a whiff of the lovely concoctions they’ll be cooking up–or better yet, sign up for one or both!

How long have you been making? What got you started?
I’ve been into bath and body crafting for 4 years now. I got curious about making my own when a friend told me he bought a homemade perfume. That gave me the idea that it’s possible. After perfume making, I studied the rest, from soap making to aromatherapy to home fragrances.

Soap Making fun Melt and pour

With Basic Melt & Pour, you can embed toys and whatnot in your soap! Fun for beginners and teens!

What’s your favorite medium? Why?
Anything with the use of essential oils. I love the fact that they not only emit fragrances but they also have therapeutic and mood changing benefits.

Tell us about your favorite projects.
Simoy Ng Haraya. It started as a hobby and now more and more people know about it. From perfume making, I slowly got into soap making and aromatherapy. I love the fact that I was able to keep the original Pinoy concept of Simoy.

advanced soap making 2

Make these babies in the advanced soapmaking class (schedule to be announced soon!).

What’s the one skill you’ve always wanted to master/learn?
Aromatherapy. I’m currently in the works of getting my certification for it and hoping to call myself a Clinical Aromatherapist by end of this year. After this, I plan to go on Teacher’s training so that I can share my knowledge and love for essential oils to everyone interested.

What’s your dream project? What have you done to make it happen so far?
I want to have my Aromatherapy Line. I’m starting it now with my balms. So far, I have Lavender balm and Joints balm. I’m also currently perfecting other balms for PMS, Stress, and Hangover. After this, will start using essential oils in soaps.

This ain't a crochet class!  Lala just likes to add more handmade love to her handcrafted perfumes.

This ain’t a crochet class! Lala just likes to add more handmade love to her handcrafted perfumes.

How does creativity influence the other areas in your life?
My craft is an outlet for me to destress. It calms me and makes me feel whole.

Any advice for other aspiring crafters/makers?
Stop thinking about it. Just get your hands dirty and do it.

Home scents!  The workshop for this is coming soon, too!

Home scents! The workshop for this is coming soon, too!

What do you do to beat a ‘creative block’?
I read and watch resources online.

Give us 3 essentials you must have in your toolbox at all times. S
oap Making: Lye, Vegetable oils, Fragrances Aromatherapy: Oils. Bottles. Calculator (this is important for computing the amount of ingredients)

melt and pour1

Soaps and scents! So excited for Lala’s workshops this weekend!

Why should people get their hands busy (and start crafting)?
For me, Crafting is a mix pleasure and productivity. No time wasted and you get to enjoy it.

Where can we find your work?