Arts & Crafts
for Kids 6 and Up
Creative fun through more focused projects
For these creative kids, we selected activities that applied more advanced hand movement and coordination, as well as a lot of room to exercise creative freedom.
Clay Play
This fun activity got the kids really working with their hands, as they shaped and kneaded air-dry clay into hand figures and assorted shapes.
They also experimented with textures as they pressed different objects into the clay to make impressions, and mixed colors when they painted.
Glue Marbled Mobiles
In this activity, we used glue in an unusal way–as a medium for holding pigments to make marbled designs on!
Paper Beads
This activity entailed using a ruler, measuring, and cutting–which was no mean feat for some of our little ones!
They then strung their finished beads together to make necklaces and bracelets. This fun craft is great for demonstrating the use of everyday objects at home to make something interesting.