
Photo from Inkspell: the Craft MNL calligraphy workshop with Fozzy.

You are the ink to my nib, the glue to my glue gun, the ephemera to my acrylic emulsion…this love month we’re posting a gallery of craft-supportive significant others!  Let’s show some love for the folks who cheer us on as we do…what we love doing.  First up is calligrapher extraordinaire Fozzy Castro-Dayrit of The Fozzy Book and her craft-supportive husband Chips.

How does your significant other show support for your craft? 

Well firstly, he didn’t tell me to quit it and just go back and just find another job! I love him so much for his faith in me and his patience and his encouragement. The moral support counts so much, but the added elbow grease is also very appreciated – like measuring and cutting paper (because I suck at cutting paper), erasing guidelines and packing orders. He’s the constant reminder for me to organize my workstation, but that rarely gets done haha.

He also is the “official” photographer for workshops. He hauls my stuff and helps arrange them for the class. Without him I’d probably forget to do half of the stuff I’m supposed to – and the most basic one is the round of introductions before the class starts!

Fozzy's work.  Taken from The Fozzy Book.

Fozzy’s work. Taken from The Fozzy Book.


What do you like most about the support you get? How do you show your appreciation for that?

I like that it’s another thing that we enjoy doing together. And it’s a way for him to understand and appreciate what I do. How do I say thank you? A big hug? Haha. I cook him food. And buy him cake. Oh and I let him run his crazy, crazy ultramarathons.


What are your partner’s interests? Do you do any activities together?

We’re at opposite poles. I just enjoy sitting and reading and writing. He like running and going outdoors. He joins ultramarathons and trail runs and sometimes takes his mountain bike out. He trains for them perhaps 5 days out of a week. He does 50k on weekends. By himself. It’s insane.

What brings us together would be music and food. And strolling around. Though since we had our little girl, she’s basically the main thing we get to enjoy together every day.


Chips, Hero and Fozzy at Hero's first birthday.  Photo from The Fozzy Book.

Chips, Hero and Fozzy at Hero’s first birthday. Photo from The Fozzy Book.


Got a craft-supportive significant other you’d like us to feature?  Send us your story and photos and we’ll see what we can do.  Email Yelle at yelle[at]craftmnl[dot]com.